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Infineon "News" and Notes

Once again, Nascar makes its annual trek to Northern California, where dozens of drivers will make the pilgrimage to the birthplace of their longtime mentor, Tupac Shakur.

Twice a year, Nascar races on road courses. To gain some marketing momentum, other sports have picked up on this form of scheduling. For instance, weeks 4 and 12 of the NFL schedule will feature Canadian rules. Major League Baseball will play the 2nd week of August with a legal spitball. And the NBA will open its 2007 season with a week of no arrests--its so different!

Infineon might not have the historic signifiance of Watkins Glen, nor the racing appeal of Riverside. However, they have developed a strong tradition of their own: having 10 million viewers ask themselves "Who the heck is Tom Hubert?" every single year.

Pedigree is running a contest to see which Fox broadcaster's dog looks the most like its master. Yes, its official: Fox has run out of ideas.

After his strong qualifying run, Boris Said was greeted by Dr. Dick Berggren in a "Said Head" wig. Yes, its official: Speed has run out of ideas.

I'm sorry, but its just not a road course race without Jimmy Spencer complaining about it.

4:1 Mike Smith will do a "Stockcartoons" comic about "Racing in Whine Country"
10:1 I did that joke last year.
100:1 Anyone will notice.


At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, that third one was great!

But uh, just between you and me... who is Tom Hubert?

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Fox ran out of ideas a long time ago, or else the phrase "I kid because I care" wouldn't be burned into my brain.

Do you really think it is possible for the NBA to go a week without an arrest?


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