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Real Racing...Fake News...Updated Nightly


"Hey, Look at Me--I'm Important!"

I hate it when people post "Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy" on their websites. It always strikes me as a bit presumptuous that anyone actually cares. Plus, it seems to rub it in the people's faces--"Boy, I'd love to write some more, but I have so much STUFF going on, I just don't have the time!".
Unfortunately, I have to do the same. I work retail (sorta) and this week is the busiest of the year. So I'll be writing articles like Dutch Quality Stone Racing makes races--infrequently and in a random manner--for the next week. Then I can get back to what I do best--mocking people who make 1,000 times as much money as I do.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy.


At 3:53 AM, Blogger TalkGeorge said...

Tis the (retail) season!


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