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Lost in Translation IV: I Race for Me...FOR ME!!!

As has become an annual international tradition here at The Outside Groove, we take a look at the upcoming Busch Series race in Mexico City. Then, we use Google Language Tools to translate it to the area's native tongue of Spanish. Finally, we make it palatable to the American audience by translating it BACK to English. Lets take a look:

For the third straight year, Nascar takes a trip south of the border to Mexico City. The Busch Series races on Sunday with unprecedented coverage, as ESPN will provide "full circle" coverage across its many networks. While many native drivers will compete, the most famous Hispanic in the race is arguably Juan Pablo Montoya, a Columbian. A twisting, turning road course, it is the first of three such tracks in the Busch Series this year, followed by races at Watkins Glen and Montreal. Expect an interesting race--alas, a race with no "Clint...Bowyer".

To Spanish:
Por el tercer año recto, Nascar lleva un sur del viaje de la frontera Ciudad de México. La serie de Busch compite con el domingo con cobertura sin precedente, pues ESPN proporcionará cobertura del “círculo completo” a través de sus numerosos redes. Mientras que competirán muchos conductores nativos, el hispanico más famoso de la raza es discutible Juan Pablo Montoya, colombino. El torcer, curso del camino que da vuelta, es el primer de tres tales pistas en la serie de Busch este año, seguido por las razas en la cañada y Montreal de Watkins. Contar con una raza interesante--alas, una raza sin “Clint… Bowyer”.

And back to English:
By the third straight year, Nascar takes the south of the trip of the border City of Mexico. The series of Busch competes with Sunday with cover without precedent, because ESPN will provide cover of the “complete circle” through their numerous networks. Whereas many native conductors will compete, Hispanic the most famous one of the race is debatable Juan Pablo Montoya, colombino. Twisting, course of the way that gives return*, is first of the three such tracks in the series of east Busch year, followed by the races in the gorge and Montreal de Watkins. To count on an interesting race--wings, a race without “Clint… Bowyer”.

*"course of the way that gives return"--ahhh, so lyrical...if only it was spoken by Ward Burton


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, I think I'll be there at the gorge race... or maybe at the Montreal de Watkins.


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