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Champ Car Accuses Nascar of Making it Suck

Champ Car (formerly CART, formerly IndyCar) continued to lob accusations at Nascar today, accusing the successful stock car sanctioning body of making it suck so much.
"Its obvious that we, the purveyors of the only series of racing that matters, could not POSSIBLY be the ones responsible for putting out such an unpopular product.", explained Champ Car spokesman Scott Wilson. "Its all those guys down in Daytona, with their multi-million TV deals and their viable racing series."
Despite drops in TV ratings, profits, and overall interest, Champ Car has placed the blame for its woes squarely on Nascar. This comes as a startling about face, as the organization has previously placed the blame for its woes squarely on IRL.
"I don't care HOW many people watch their races, or HOW many people show up, or HOW much merchandise they sell", Wilson continued. "WE are the best racing in the world. I mean, who doesn't enjoy badly-funded teams follow the leader, tying up traffic in major downtown areas for days? Last time I checked, 50 millon Nascar fans CAN be wrong."
In a related story, the best open-wheel racers have continued a decades-long tradition of bypassing Champ Car for Formula One.


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