Nascar's Vengeance Scale--Part 1 of 3
After finally giving in and signing up for ESPN’s Insider service, I quickly read through some of my favorite columns from my favorite writer, Bill Simmons. I was reminded of “The Vengeance Scale”—judging where different events in sports history rank, by level of revenge taken. Not surprisingly, there were no Nascar moments on the list. Well, much like Bill France once did (and it’s later on the list), I’ve made my own list—THE NASCAR VENGEANCE SCALE. Here it is, ranked from least vengeful reaction (0) to most (10).
0—Dale Earnhardt’s reaction to Darrell Waltrip’s comment that “…I say whatever I want, because none of them can read it anyways.” According to the movie 3 (the ESPN one), Dale’s response was…to send his son to military school. Huh? And what does Dale do when he finally has DW down for the count? Gives him a job. Quite magnanimous of him.
--Davey Allison’s retaliation after Ernie Irvan cost him the 1992 championship, mostly because there WAS no reaction. This is where the legend of Allison was held off, but the legend of Swervin’ Irvan was born.
--America on DaimlerChrysler for buying Dodge.
1—David Pearson on Richard Petty. Richard cheated throughout his career (he’s admitted as much), while Pearson, by all accounts, played by the rules. Either David’s really level-headed, or Richard was that important to the sport.
--Kyle Petty on Felix Sabates for replacing him. Not so much because he got replaced (it was bound to happen), but more because he was replaced by Robby-freakin-Gordon.
--Dave Marcis vs. “The Establishment”. Dave stayed independent throughout his whole career (almost), and all he has to show for it are five wins and a 2nd place championship finish…which came in a factory-backed car. Apparently in Dave’s book, the best revenge is sucking up to RCR while never taking off your Goodyear hat.
2—Nascar to Fox after creating, producing, and showing “Steel Chariots”. Still makes me shudder just thinking about it.
--Rusty Wallace vs. Dale Earnhardt. Rusty seemed to seethe that Dale won all those championships with aggressive driving, until one day he exploded with rage…and a water bottle?!? Don’t worry, though—Rusty will tell you that he and Dale were friends about 5 minutes into any conversation.
--Kurt Busch on Maricopa County Police.
Tomorrow--Part II
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