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Nursery Rhymes

The American populous was shocked to wake up this morning to this story on

Herman and Spencer to open Garden Center: NASCAR drivers and TV analysts Jimmy Spencer and Kenny Wallace are opening of their SpenWall Acres Garden Center on Poplar Tent Rd, in Concord NC this May. The garden center, which will be open year-round, will become one of the largest and most complete nurseries in the entire region.

OK, lets take a deep breath, and analyze this bizzare piece of news--

--Apparently its appropriate to use obscure nicknames to describe a driver in a news story, but ONLY if he's a nice guy (that's why we didn't see "Herman and Mr. Excitement" in the title).

--SpenWall? Could they have possibly come up with a blander name? I guess Jimmy won out, or it would've been CerAce.

--SpennnnnWall Acres its the place to be. Plannnnnt growin' is the life for me. Growing flowers in the country-side. We wouldn't be doin' this if we both had a ride.

--A tent made out of poplars? THAT should be the story.

--Growing flowers. Yes, that's what we've come to in Nascar--people accuse drivers of being gay all the time, but something truly effeminine comes along and nobody calls them on it.


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