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Waltrips Honored by Cat Fanciers Association

Former Nascar driver Darrell Waltrip and former Dale Earnhardt Jr. drafting partner Michael Waltrip were honored today for their tireless efforts to promote cat ownership in the United States.
"These fine middle-aged men have done so much for us since moving to Fox", said Cat Fanciers of America Chairwoman Sara Scott. "By mentioning our fine furry friends so much on the air, they truly know the joy of owning the world's most arrogant animals."
The elder Waltrip, best known for his association with the Tabasco corporation, was on hand to accept the award.
"These cats, they know about cats", said Waltrip, covered in Toyota logos and car dander. "I myself have two cats of my own: Cat, and Cat. I love my cats almost as I love that Cat cat, Dave Blaney."
Michael Waltrip was unavailable for the press conference, as he was being held hostage by Kyle Petty. However, he did give the following statement: "Napa Domino's Cat Toyota Cat my life is a living hell."
Darrell Waltrip accepted the prize on his brother's behalf: A 10-foot tall statue of Morris the Cat, presented by Talladega's Official Cat Lady of Nascar. The Cat Lady, when asked for comment, reponded, "Gettheheckouttamylawnyoupunksaougaioudofuidoiuf."


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