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The Funniest Thing I've Ever Seen

From Jayski/PRN:

Stremme feeling better: #40 Coors Light/Lonestar Dodge Driver David Stremme is feeling better after twisting his ankle and tearing all the ligaments in his right foot while using a leaf blower. The injury occured at his home near Charlotte several weeks before Christmas. Stremme said, “I’ve been fighting with the landscape company…they’ve not been showing up and they’ve been a pain in the butt. All my leaves were blowing across the street into my neighbor Joe Nemechek’s yard so I figured I needed to clean them up.” Stremme made sure he was okay to start the season by testing his foot riding go-carts. Stremme added, “I wish it had been my brake pedal foot instead of my gas pedal foot.”

OK...lets take a deep breath and examine:
--Who uses a leaf blower any more? Dave--its called a rake, its not expensive, and it won't wake up everyone in the neighborhood.

--It was several weeks before Christmas, and we're just finding out about it now? See, this is why NBS 24/7 needs to be spun off into its own network.

--I hear that the landscaping company employs a guy who "looks like Tim Fedewa, sounds like Tim Fedewa, but won't admit that he's Tim Fedewa."

--Joe Nemechek lives across the street from him? You just know that he was watching the whole thing unfold, sipping a beer, muttering to himself, "That boy ain't right."

--And by the way, its nice to know that you stopped the leaves from using a LEAF BLOWER.


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