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The Outside Groove 2006 Season Preview--Part 14

40 through 42--onward came the field fillers!

40. 4 Scott Wimmer
The Case For: Uh…let me get back to you on that one.
The Case Against: Car could not POSSIBLY be any uglier.
Changes: Sure, some things have changed, but its like putting $500 rims on an ’89 Hyundai Excel.
Fun Fact: Yeah, he’s still whipped.

41. 78 Kenny Wallace/Jerry Robertson
The Case For: Hey Darrell—apparently two guys CAN race a car.
The Case Against: Busted beds, armoires with bullet holes, never knowing if your futon will make it through the night—yeah, life is tough on Furniture Row.
Changes: It’s a pretty much new team (note: new=bad).
Fun Fact: When asked about his chances this year, Jerry Robertson replied “Who the hell AM I, anyway?”

42. 61 Kevin Lepage
The Case For: Could have another magical run at Daytona.
The Case Against: Is missing the magical elixir—Petron.
Changes: A new number, as the health-club financed team was forced to sell the #66 to Haas in order to keep the new bench-press.
Fun Fact: Kevin remains the most influential Nascar driver from Vermont.


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