Why Was Scott Wimmer Fired?
--Spent over 6 hours each day on the phone with his wife, most of which was spent doing the "you hang up first...no YOU hang up...OK, we'll hang up together...you didn't either!" routine.
--Failed to live up to the heady standard CAT learned from being associated with David Green.
--Threw his driver's suit on the team hauler stools, even though Bill Davis told him NUMEROUS TIMES to simply put it on the hooks like everyone else.
--Was overheard doing his impression of Bill Davis begging Dodge for factory support.
--Ever since Kenny Wallace left the team, that left Scott as "the funny one".
--Refused to be photograhed in a bulldozer.
--While "Wimmer" is just two letters from "Winner", its also two letters from "Bummer".
--Was always using up the shop's TiVo memory with recordings of "One Tree Hill".
--Insisted on having his spotter end every transmission with "roger 10-4 over and out".
--When given the choice between slim and none, Bill Davis chose none.
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